Sunday, 10 July 2011

BBQ Spare Ribs Recipe

Prior to yesterday, I had never before BBQ'd ribs. OMG what I have been missing. Here is a delicious recipe for ribs that went over very well yesterday in Brackley Beach.

Angela's BBQ Ribs

  • 1 package of side pork ribs
  • 2 tbsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. black pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 tbsp. white sugar
  • favorite BBQ or rib sauce
  1. Place ribs on cutting board, meat side up
  2. Combine all of the spices into a bowl and mix. Rub into the front of the ribs, then flip over and rub onto the back part as well.
  3. Place in a roasting pan, cover and leave in the fridge for 12-24 hours.
  4. Preheat over to 275 degrees. Take ribs out of the fridge, and pour just enough water in the cover the bottom of the roaster. Cover with foil, and place in oven. Roast approx. 3 hours.
  5. Take out of oven a let sit for 20 minutes. Then transfer to a hot grill and grill 4 minutes per side. Baste with lots of BBQ or rib sauce. Cut into pieces and serve.

Wasting Money Versus Spending Money

Men and women are inherently different. This is a fact that we all learn at a very early age. It is the root of many of our marital arguments and directs the different roles that we take in our relationships with people. So it is no wonder that during the course of a marriage, small things can cause giant arguments. Just this week, my mother informed me that she and my father have been arguing for months over whether or not the blinds in their bathroom window should remain up or down when resting. Mom thinks it is a nuisance to have to put them down each time she needs to tinkle, and Dad enjoys the sunlight warming up the room, so therefore is pro-blinds up.

I also believe this basic difference between men and women is the reason most relationships have some level of arguing about who and on what the money is being spent. Couples all argue about money, just to different degrees. But why is it that when men get together, the inevitable "She wastes all of our money" comments come out of their mouths? Aside from Jeff Keough (I bounced this idea off of him earlier, and he told me to  make sure that I mentioned in this post that he is the exception to this rule), do men not realize that every time they reach for a few sheets of toilet paper, that is does not get delivered there by a unicorn? And that there is no magical elf that restocks the laundry detergent when running low. And don't even get me started on kids clothing. Why is it that they are so quick to say that we are WASTING money on the kids, when in reality we are SPENDING it so our children are clothed and do not get removed from our homes by Social Services. When it is snowing outside, and you reach into the closet to pull out your child's snowsuit, how do you think it got there? BECAUSE WE BOUGHT IT!!!!!!!!

If men had it their way, aside from the standard bills (house, taxes, cars, gas, etc.) all extra money would be divided between savings, and beer and pay-per-view UFC events. Guess what guys? We DO need to buy some new clothes every once in a while. Our bell bottom jeans and tube tops from grade 11 might not cut it at your parents anniversary dinner. And speaking of your parents, remember the last 10 birthday gifts you bought them? No? That's because we did! We planned ahead at Christmas, Mother's Day and Father's Day, and their birthday, went to the store, picked out something nice that they would like, purchased the card, wrapping paper and bag, wrapped the present, got everyone to sign the card, put it in the car the day of the event, lugged it into their house, at which point you passed it to them and said "This is from us". ARGH!

So guys, let's just clear this up once and for all. We aren't wasting, we are simply buying the things we need in life. The toilet paper, turnips and tampons. We keep the house running smoothly, and most of it is behind the scenes. So cut us a little slack, because the next time you spend 20 minutes on the toilet, and reach for a square, it might just be you and that empty roll waiting on that unicorn.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

A Vaction-Vacation

I am in need of a vacation-vacation. Ever since having children, I have changed my definition of what a vacation is. Pre-kids, a vacation was a magical moment in time, where you slept in late, drank a little too much, and had no plans whatsoever. Post-kids, a vacation now resembles a military exercise, where even pee breaks need to be scheduled into the day. Day trips are not decided on a whim, they revolve around nap time, meal time and bathroom time.

And my new definition for a vacation definitely does not include a whole lot of relaxing. Unless relaxing includes laundry, meal preparation, changing diapers, baths, timeouts, outfit changes, and buckets of your hard-earned money flying out the window of your non-pimped out minivan. There are no chilled out afternoons in the hammock, sipping pina coladas and working on your tan. And is it just me, or do vacations include a lot more fluids than they used , which is really inconvenient since you can't carry them on airplanes. Sunscreen, bug repellent, hand sanitizer, and After-Bite have replaced tanning oil, beer and Gatorade.

So when my husband finishes work in a few weeks and joins the girls and I in PEI, I think I will greet him very warmly at the airport, give him a big kiss and wave goodbye. I will be leaving for my vacation-vacation.