Saturday 5 November 2011

Angela's Guide to Anne of Green Gables Chocolates

PEI is a magical place. There is nothing that it does not have (other than bears). My summers are spent at the beach, with the family, and nearby is always a treat from Anne of Green Gables Chocolates. If you think all Anne has going for her is a cute boyfriend and red pigtails, think again my friends. The girl's got chocolate. So imagine my surprise when I found out today that they SHIP ACROSS CANADA!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!

Now my sister-in-law Jolynn and I have a few things in common: we both married RCMP officers, we both enjoy reality TV, but most importantly, we make Cows Ice Cream and Anne of Green Gables Chocolates a priority on summer vacation. So when all the kids are around, and we are packing up the picnic lunch, you can be sure at least one of us will remember the chocolates.

Actually, I should make something very clear here. It is not just the chocolates that are delicious. In fact, my favorite items are not even chocolate-dominant, although chocolate does make an appearance in each selection. Going into the shop is like PEI's version of Disneyworld for your mouth....and every ride is sensational.

So here are the top pics, in my humble opinion:
  1. Chocolate Caramels- They are not too chewy and not too soft with the perfect chocolate-caramel ratio.
  3. Chocolate-Covered Potato Chips- Those four words together almost make me cry.
  5. Brown Sugar Fudge..........mmmmmmmmm
  7. Sweeties- Oh. I forgot to mention that you can also get brown sugar fudge....dipped in milk chocolate!
  9. Bridge Mixture- It's like regular bridge mixture, but on delicious milk-chocolate covered steroids.
So to close, I again ask the age old rhetorical question, "Is there anything that PEI doesn't have (other than a strip club)?"

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