Monday 21 November 2011

Top Ten Reasons Why Living in a Trailer is Fabulous

  1. It takes less than 10 minutes to clean it front to back
  2. There are no stairs for babies to fall down, and you save money on baby gates
  3. No lugging laundry up or down stairs
  4. It doubles as a camper in the summer
  5. You can watch TV, make supper, eat at the dining room table and do laundry in the same room
  6. You have 'lack of space' as a legitimate excuse when your 4 year-old asks to get a puppy
  7. Contrary to how they are unfairly portrayed on TV, Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are great neighbors
  8. You don't have to worry about leaks or mold in the don't have one
  9. The cramped quarters are free birth-control
  10. No one wants to break in and steal your stuff because you have none

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