Tuesday 1 November 2011

Brent MacDonald's Hockey Debut

My husband is a great dad for a number of reasons. The one thing that he has done lately that has really impressed me is to set an example for the girls that you are never too old to try something new.

Brent is 32 years old and has never played a single game of ice hockey. Brent has not skated since he was a child, but he decided last year that if Sophie was going to take skating lessons, he was too. How awesome is that? His goal was to get good enough to join the Yellowknife pick-up hockey league this fall, and Thanksgiving weekend that goal was achieved. Brent played his very first hockey game ever, and the girls and I went to cheer him on.

Tonight is his fourth game, and he already has one goal under his belt.


  1. Good for Brent! Maybe I'll play in the MacDougald hockey game this year because he might pass me the puck! Otherwise I'll be on the sidelines drinking Bailey's and hot chocolate again.

  2. This is so great Ange!!! Maggie is getting so big!
