Friday 3 June 2011

First Post - Friday June 3rd, 2011

So, a few weeks back, we had a stretch of weather here in Yellowknife that was apparently very deceiving.Brent and I packed the girls into the car, and headed over to Arctic Farmer, which is a great name, don't you think?

We bought pansies, wave petunias, sunflowers, and other unsuspecting flora that would soon meet their fate in our backyard planter.

Tuesday, the temperature hit 26 degrees, and then yesterday and today, it snowed. It was -6 last night. We covered those poor little guys up, but who knows if they'll make it.

I also heard from my Uncle Lorne today that the three robin's eggs outside his house in Alberton have met their fate. He will be resuming his squirrel jihad very soon.

So, four weeks until the girls and I make our trek to the Island for the summer. This will be Sophie's 8th (almost) cross-country plane trip. What a traveller.

So see you all in a few weeks, and enjoy the blog. I will post some family pictures, special event stuff, and share some thoughts (and my favorite recipes) along the way. This, I guess, is my anti-facebook solution to staying connected online.


1 comment:

  1. Yay, I love blogging! I had one while we were adopting Lincoln and kept it up until about last Christmas when I just seemed to lose interest....but I still read tons of other adoptive family blogs. SO you can bet I will be a regular on here! Can't wait to see u this summer!

