Monday 6 June 2011

To pie or not to pie

I like food. I like to research it, watch shows about it, learn new ways to prepare it, cook it, and above all else, eat it. I am not Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray, but I can throw together a little something and it will hit above 'edible' on the taste scale.

Not only do I like to cook but I really like baking as well, especially with Sophie. We can turn out some pretty mean biscuits, cookies, cakes, and brownies. But the one baking standard that continues to elude me is the pie. In my opinion, baking the perfect pie is equivalent to a black belt in karate. But it looks so simple! You just throw some stuff in a simple crust, bake it until it bubbles and VIOLA!

But no. Every old church lady that ever mastered the craft of pie-baking is sitting in heaven with my grandmother laughing at me as we speak. In the last two weeks, I have tried, and failed, to bake a strawberry and a strawberry-rhubarb pie. They were awful, as in try-a-bite-and-throw-it-immediately-in-the-garbage awful.

Brent has been watching me fret about these pies, and offered me some words of advice. Basically, he said, "Honey, you are a great cook, and a great baker, but pies are just not your thing. Stick to what you're good at". Sweet right? But now I am even more determined. So for my third and final attempt at baking an edible pie I am going with the wildcard choice of Coconut Cream. May the grammy-force be with me.

Pie Baking Yellow Belt


  1. I myself am a pie baking white belt, maybe yellow stripe. My mother is a 7 degree black belt. I am sure she will give you a lesson when you come home. And I think I may know your problem. When you bake a pie you're not supposed to end up with an instrument from the string section (slightly bigger than a violin but smaller than a cello).

  2. Wow! Your joke was so over my head, that I had to Google "string family violin cello" to get it. I'd better call Mr.Adams for a refresher.
